lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Café de Olla

This coffee is traditionally prepared in an earthenware pot called “Olla”.
To get started you have to heat the water in the pot. As soon as the water is boiling you add the coffee (approximately one tablespoon per cup), and if you like a little bit of cinnamon and sugar.

Leave the water boiling until all the different flavors are absorbed. The earthenware lends some of the special flavor to this drink, too.

Then remove the pan from the heat and allow it to stand or a while. (In the hotel we let it stand for a whole night to get a strong coffee taste!).
The following day we heat it up in a different pot in order not to burn the remaining coffee grounds.

Here, in the Hotel “Las Mariposas” we use organic coffee from a company called “La Café Organización &Organic Coffee”. The organization consists of a number of local coffee farmers from Oaxaca. They use only natural products to grow their coffee. By selling coffee the farmers have the chance to improve their living conditions and provide for their families.